Rev Christopher Chia is married to his wife Mona and blessed with two children. He had been pastoring the past 30 years. He began by pastoring both Prinsep Street (his founding church) and Adam Road Presbyterian from 1991-1998. He also had two stints as Interim Moderator of Living Praise PC. This is the 31st year for Rev Chris serving as pastor in Adam Road PC.
Rev Chris will be serving as EP Moderator in the new EP ExCo. He is motivated by Colossians 3:17 which says, “whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus”. In his words, Rev Chris explained, “Not sure what I can really do but whatever little God lays on my heart to love, serve and encourage our pastors, leaders and members of our EP churches to be more in love with Jesus our Lord and God our Father, I will endeavour to be faithful.”
Rev Chris came to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour during a Billy Graham Crusade while he was studying in Sydney Australia. A friend invited him to a free concert, which he thought was a rock concert! He went and was rocked by the Gospel leading him to believe in Jesus!